Thank you to the great efforts of several talented FS artists:

Lee Swordy for the Whole Traffic Tools / AFCAD concept that makes AI easy
Rysiek Winawer for the A-10 aircraft and Joe Carstensen for the repaint
Project AI for the E-3 aircraft

This package should provide 2 E-3s, and 7 A-10s on the aprons with one of each doing occaisonal touch-and goes.

To Install:
1) Place the two AI aircraft folders ("AI A-10 Warthog" and "AI E-3 Sentry Project AI") into your main FS9 Aircraft folder.

2)Place the "Traffic_Howard_AFB.bgl" file into your X:\FlightSimulator\Scenery\World\Scenery folder.

Hopefully that will do it.

Any problems or comments please send them to:

John Stinstrom